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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Some history and facts about Pathology in Cambodia

The history of Cambodian pathology cannot be completely documented because most of the documents were destroyed by the Khmer Rouge regime. The first Cambodian Pathologist was Prof. Dr. Sao Rin Tep Mam who was trained in France after the Second World War. From 1965-1975, she was the Director of the Department of Pathology and Anatomic Pathology of the University of Health Sciences in Phnom Penh. For 2 years, she was Director of the University, and from 1965-1968, she was also Minister of Health in Cambodia. In 1968, she was imprisoned by the Pol Pot regime and killed in an unknown place.

The photo of Prof. Dr. Sao Rin Tep Mam in the entrance hall of the University of Health Sciences, Phnom Penh.

An outstanding pathologist was Dr.Nicolai Kajenov from Minsk in Russia who was the Head of the Department of Anatomy and Pathology at the Russian Friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh from 1988-1991. He was the teacher of the present Head of Department, Dr. Mar Sy Samang.
The current situation of pathology in Cambodia is dominated by a shortage of personnel. Only 5 doctors, mostly with a short training in pathology, are in charge of the service for 14,000,000 inhabitants of Cambodia. Four laboratories are located in the capital city, Phnom Penh. There are aproximately 10,000-20,000 histological specimens and 20,000 cytological specimens per year. These are investigated mostly with H&E and PAP stains. Only one laboratory provides a basic panel of immunohistochemistry. No autopsies or frozen sections can be done in Cambodia.
In 2005, Cambodian pathologists were invited to join the Thailand Division of IAP. Only two young pathologists, Chhut Serey Vathana and Sam Ang Chen, are participating in meetings aboard.
Chhut Serey Vathana, Gerhard Stauch and Sam Ang Cheng in front of Pathology Department of Sihanouk Hospital Center of HOPE.
In February 2008, another doctor, Dr. HAV Monirath, was sent to Belgium for a 2-year training in Pathology within the framework of an interuniversity project "Creation of Reference Center for Gastro-Intestinal Tumours in Cambodia" between the University of Health Sciences Phnom Penh, Preah Bat Norodom Sihanouk University Hospital Phnom Penh, and the VLIR project of Belgian government.
Story: Gerhard Stauch, Germany
Editor: Thiti Kuakpaetoon, Thailand.